How To Make YouTube A Vital Part Of Your Social Strategy

YouTube has become a the go-to destination for video content. With over four billion videos viewed daily, it’s no surprise that marketers are beginning to make YouTube a vital part of their social strategy. YouTube is a valuable asset to your company because videos help SEO and are more likely to go viral compared to a text or image post. But remember, the videos won’t share themselves. Combining YouTube with other social platforms can create a social strategy that cannot be topped, and we’re going to show you how. There are two main aspects to making YouTube a vital part of your social strategy – creating the content and promoting it.

1.      Create content your customers want

Your customers don’t want to see a boring informational video about your latest product, they want unique, innovative videos. When it comes to YouTube, the more creative the better. The video doesn’t even have to relate to your product really. You want an eye-catching video that will make customers click. Showcase your creativity and add a unique twist to your brand. However, we would like to caution you when creating this type of content. Even if the video itself is unrelated to the product, you want to ensure that customers are feeling what you want them to feel and the video comes a full circle to tie into your promotion. The last thing you want to do is leave customers feeling confused by posting a random video with a link to your product at the end. Although the connection between the content and the product doesn’t have to be direct, it does need to correlate in some way or another.

Although stories tend to provoke the best response on YouTube, you have other options as well. Feel free to experiment with the following types of videos:

  • Business intro video: Give your audience a brief introduction to your business. You can put this on your YouTube Channel Trailer to welcome new viewers.
  • Tutorials/Product Demos: Show your viewers how to perform a task using your product
  • Customer Testimonials: Interview a satisfied customer
  • Behind-the-scenes videos: Take your viewers on a tour of your office or workspace, or introduce them to your staff or co-workers
  • Tips and tricks: Share useful insights that will help your prospects
  • Commercials: post your commercials to YouTube for viewers
  • FAQs: Compile a list of frequently asked questions and respond to them via video

2.      Promote that content

Once you’ve created great content, you must get it seen! Some YouTube videos will get enough exposure without outside promotion, but most will need some extra help. If you have a large number of YouTube subscribers or your video becomes highly ranked on YouTube, then you may be able to skip this step. Otherwise, you’ll need to find ways to promote your videos to the desired audience. The easiest way to promote your YouTube videos is to share them on your other social platforms. Be sure to add engaging copy to the video, and a direct link to your YouTube channel. You may want to embed the video directly on your Facebook page, as Facebook videos are rapidly growing in popularity. Another way to promote your YouTube content is to post it on your company website or blog, or to partner with other YouTuber’s to promote each other’s videos. We recommend experimenting with your particular audience and seeing what works best for you.

Don’t get left behind, start creating YouTube content today! If you need assistance in hopping on the YouTube bandwagon, please contact us today.

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