4 Ways To Get More Leads Now

The goal of marketing is ultimately to generate more leads and conversions. Leads refer to people who inquire about your products or services, and conversions refer to those leads that actually buy your products or services.

Why do I need lead data?

Many businesses want lead data in order to create lists, such as a recipient list for e-newsletters, or to nurse sales. Your lead data can tell you a lot about your customers. By analyzing your lead data, you can better understand your customers and know how to reach them in the future.

So how can I get more leads?

There are several strategies for fostering lead generation.

1. Brand Awareness

One helpful aspect to lead generation is brand awareness, which comes from exposure. You can raise brand awareness by posting daily on various channels. These daily posts could occur on a blog, Facebook, YouTube channel, or any other medium that your customers are on. One thing to keep in mind is that, although your posts are daily, each one should add value to the customer – don’t post for no reason.

2. Use Your Existing Real Estate

You may be wondering where to find new leads. We recommend using your existing channels and mediums – there is no need to expand your channels just to generate new leads. You can always incorporate new targeting options on the same channels to reach new prospects – it is highly unlikely that you will exhaust all of your potential customers on a certain channel. Just be sure to post the right content on the right channels – always tailor your message.

4. Do What You Know

With new marketing technologies constantly expanding, it might be tempting to go after the ‘new and shiny’ thing on the market. However, you may be more effective on the channels you already know. Note that we are not advising you to completely ignore every new technology. Of course you want to be ahead of your competition on new methods, but be sure to properly do your research before offering these services to clients. You shouldn’t jump on every new opportunity that arises – choose which new technologies you explore carefully.

4. Analyze

Our last tip is to analyze your data. You must see what strategies are working so you know where to go in the future. Proper analysis will give you direction and guidance on how to generate more leads in the future.

If you have any further questions regarding lead generation, feel free to contact us today!

What Is CRM & How Can It Help You

You may have heard the term CRM tossed around in the marketing world, but what exactly is it and how can your business use it? CRM stands for customer relationship management, and it generally refers to software and practices that companies use to manage their customer data.

The goal of CRM is to use customer data in order to improve relationships with customers, retain them, and ultimately drive more leads and sales. CRM software can manage customer interactions across several different channels and give your company insight on how to turn the leads from that customer into conversions. This may seem a bit abstract, so we will give you an example.

Let’s say you own a landscaping business, and your marketing strategies include billboards, Facebook, Google AdWords, and email marketing. Billy sees your billboard and calls your business for further information, but he decides to hold off on your landscaping services for now. However, two weeks later Billy sees your ad on Google AdWords and clicks to your website where he fills out an inquiry form. If you use CRM software, you can see that Billy has previously inquired about your services, making him a ‘hot lead.’ Because this is the second time he has requested information, you may want to take more time with Billy and really put allocate your efforts on getting a conversion out of him.

Without CRM software, you would have no way of knowing that Billy had previously contacted your business using another form of communication. You would treat Billy as any other lead, and may not be able to solidify the conversion. By using CRM software, you can see that you may want to spend more time and energy on Billy rather than a first-time inquirer. CRM allows you to really get to know which potential customers could be most valuable to your business.
But how can CRM work for your business? In order to effectively use CRM, you’ll need to get CRM software such as Salesforce, Zoho, or HubSpot. These tools will help automate your data entry and can automatically track and manage all of your customer interactions. The best CRM software will vary from business to business, depending on how you operate and what you want to achieve. Three factors to consider when choosing a CRM software are cost, ease of use, and efficiency. We know saving money is important to your business, and that’s why cost should be a determining factor in choosing a CRM software.

Now we are not saying that you should choose the cheapest software available, but you should consider the cost vs. the value you are getting from the software. If one brand costs a little more than another, but offers a much better user interface with an extensive list of features, it may be worth the extra money. Another factor you want to consider is ease of use. If you will be training all of your employees how to use this CRM, you want it to be user-friendly and easy to pick up on.

You also want data pulling to be a quick process so your employees can spend their time on more important things. One last factor we are going to cover is efficacy. Does the CRM software you are considering produce your desired result?  Before investing in a new software, you need to make certain that it is what your company needs. Also noteworthy is that this list of considerations is not all inclusive – there are many other factors you should consider before investing in a CRM software!

Now that you know more about CRM, you can start nurturing leads and increasing sales! If you need additional assistance, please feel free to contact us today!