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Is Your Presentation Ready for Your Public Speaking Event?

Did you know that public speaking dates as far back as the Egyptian days? The most popular forms of speaking date back to ancient Greece and Roman days, where a style of speaking called Rhetoric was formed. Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates were the three main players in those speaking days, but have developed a skill that would be taught in schools for centuries to come. None the less, public speaking is very important in today’s working world, which is why many universities require all students to take a public speaking class.

Most of us would rather pull a tooth than to stand in front of an audience and speak. Furthermore, in most business environments speaking during presentations is a normal everyday occurrence. In most cases, the average presentation requires a speaker, and a Powerpoint presentation.

When preparing for your speech and or presentation, here are some things that you will want to know…

What type of speech are you going to use for your public speaking event or presentation?

4 Types of Speeches

Ceremonial Speaking: Ceremonial speeches are common at weddings, funerals, office parties, and graduations. Ceremonial speakers typically have a personal connection with his or her audience and will often include a toast.

Informative Speaking: Informative speaking is the process of informing one’s audience on the topic and subject discussion. This type of speech is used to relay information to the audience, rather than to persuade or demonstrate to the listeners.

Demonstrative Speaking: These types of speech require the speaker to demonstrate and describe a process while speaking to the audience. While using action to explain a process, the speaker can educate his or her audience on how to cook, fish, or use a product.

Persuasive Speaking: Persuasive speaking is the most glamorous style of speaking because it is typically used by lawyers and presidents. The persuasive speech is to persuade the audience to believe or become emotionally involved about the speaker’s viewpoints. This type of speech is used in advertising as well, where the advertiser tries to persuade its audience to buy a product or service.

Now that we have learned about the four different types of public speaking, below are some tips on how to prepare for your presentation…

1. Learn about your audience
2. Choose your speech
3. Practice your speech, and know your subject
4. Create powerful Powerpoint slides using the 10/20/30 rule
5. Add visuals and audio to your slides if needed

For more information on preparing for your next presentation read this article. Contact us today on how we can help you succeed by clicking on this link.