The Worst Marketing Advice We’ve Ever Heard

In today’s digital age you can find out anything with the click of a button. Anyone can be a content creator, and anyone can find that content. This is great, but it does allow a lot of misleading advice to be published on the Internet. So how are you supposed to distinguish between credible tips and not-so-good advice? To help, we’ve come up with a list of the worst marketing advice we’ve heard and explained why it is not correct.

1. You HAVE to be on every social media platform.

Yes, it’s true that social media is the new age of marketing, but that doesn’t mean your business has to have an account on every single social media platform. In fact, we recommend NOT having an account on every social networking site you can think of. Having too many accounts to keep up with will cause them all to suffer. We recommend having 1-3 great social media platforms that people will want to look at. You can evaluate which platforms your customers are most active on and use those to market your business.

2. Add as many hashtags as you can.

Hashtags are a great way to organize tweets and get your information to show up in searches. However, having too many hashtags can make your tweets look like spam and turn customers off. We recommend keeping your hashtags to two or less per tweet. This will keep your tweets more engaging and credible.

3. Only certain people at your company can create content.

Most companies have a few people designated to the marketing team, but that doesn’t mean that others can’t help out as well! Sometimes an “outsider” can provide the best input or come up with the coolest idea. Just because the guy down the hall is an accountant, doesn’t mean he isn’t creative! Give everyone a chance to create awesome content for your business.

4. Publish content every day.

Publishing content every day will definitely get your content seen, but not in a positive light. Followers do not want to be spammed every day with meaningless posts about your business. Keep the posts to about three per week and make them insightful.

5. Use the same message on all platforms.

If a message works, you should use it consistently on all platforms, right? Wrong! Different platforms target different customers and work differently. Your followers on Twitter may not respond to the imagery as well as your Instagram followers. Your personalized email message may give off a different vibe on Facebook. You have to evaluate each marketing platform and the followers on it separately and craft your message accordingly. Of course, your message should be consistent with your brand, but it can be tailored to fit different audiences.

We hope you’ve learned a little about what marketing advice is good and what is not! Feel free to contact us if you have any additional questions!